Happy Busy 2015

by Clayton
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Happy New Year everyone!
Is it even still appropriate to say Happy New Year? I finally found some free time to write anything down here. The only reason why I even found time now is because I am currently without WIFI, so by the time you read this it means that I have found a WIFI connection.

2014 is over and I barely have any memories of it. My best friend and I were driving a few weeks ago, trying to gather memories of 2014, but there was not enough for us to count on one hand. 2014 is just one major blur. I am not even going to do my usual big recap of the year. It was okay, I guess. So much happened, but yet I barely remember a thing.

The important thing is that 2015 is here, which immediately fell with the door in house. You will only get that last sentence if you speak Dutch. Lol. It’s a literally translated Dutch saying, which sounds so wrong in English.

Since I started working again after my last vacation in Holland it was doing preparation for this major project that would start on January 11, 2015. The first project that I have actively been involved in since starting the new job as a software consultant went live on that date. So I have had it very busy. January 11 was on a Sunday, so I also had to work on Saturday and Sunday; which resulted in me working about 12 days in a row. Last weekend, I finally had some days off. As you can imagine I was dead tired by then. This week also kicked of pretty hectic, with things going all over the place again and having to manage it all.

But yeah, guess that’s my life now.
I am also putting on some force on the people that I need in order to graduate this year. It seems that my mails are starting to get ignored again and I am not willing to spend any more time that needed at that college.

But back to the topic of this blog post: Happy New Year 🙂

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