My 25th Birthday Celebration

by Clayton
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It’s official! I’m OLD! Since last Friday I am now a quarter of century old.
Soon it’s time for marriage, babies and… wait… I don’t have to. lol 😀
I’m 25 and instead of feeling sorry for myself, I decided to celebrate it the way that represents me the best: crazy and over the top 😀

I do have to thank my closest friends for helping to make this day unforgettable. Without their help, my night wouldn’t have been as epic and unforgettable as it was.

I first had my older brother Ivan over at home. He presented me with a really cool necklace which he and his girlfriend Lynsey bought me. Lynsey herself couldn’t come, because she’s sick with the flu.
The necklace is really cool. The pendant has an Aquarius symbol on it. I LOVE IT! It’s a lot nicer than the Aquarius necklace I had bought myself not too long ago. I decided to wear the new necklace that same night as I was getting myself ready for an epic night out.

Since my street is under construction and un-drivable at the moment I had Dominique pick me up and go to Farid’s house where we would go to for pre-party drinks. The plans for the night were:
– We were going to meet up at Farid’s house for pre-party drinks
– After the drinks we would go to this really cool penthouse owned by an Italian guy, a new friend of Farid’s, where we would enjoy some snacks, more drinks and cut the birthday cake
– A limousine which I had rented would pick us at the penthouse, drive us around
– Finally we would go out dancing in club Night Fever

All went as planned and we had a blast.
We just a problem with the limo driver that was a mayor d!ckhead. I have already filled a complaint to the limo company and I will not be renting anything from them again. They don’t know how to deliver a quality service. Having said that, I still had a great night!
Thank you Farid, Dominique, Ryan-S, Ranvir, Patrick and Alex.

Below are the photos of my epic and unforgettable night.
Hope you enjoy them and as usual a lot more of Facebook.

Also thank you everyone else that has sent me their congratulations and had called. It was nice to feel special…. We are all allowed to do so once a year. 😀


Posing in front of the limo

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