Château de Versailles

by Clayton
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Date: February 14, 2016

So about last night…

After we came home from dinner Ryan quickly went to bed, but Farid and me, the “party animals” that we are kept on drinking and didn’t want to end the night there. I mean, how often are you in Paris?

So after a quick shower we decided to experience the Parisian night life.
I do not recall where we went exactly, but we ended up in a pub that was in walking distance of our apartment. It was not that crowded or entertaining, so we went to find another place to have a good time. We ended up in this seedy bar. Not that seedy is our thing… We were just very much intoxicated in Paris. So we had a couple more drinks, made “friends” with the locals in the dark-lid bar. Farid and I shortly after lost each other, but I am sure we both had fun. What happens in Paris, stays in Paris.

We later found each other again, and wanted to head back to the apartment. The problem was, we had no idea where we were. What do you do in this case? Well Google maps on your phone. But what do you do when you phone isn’t there? Wait, what? Yup…. Farid’s phone had vanished into thin air. Yup, he was robbed or left it somewhere. Depending on what you choose to believe. Either way, there was a missing phone and mine had no internet so wasn’t much help either. We somehow found our way to the apartment without internet and just went to sleep.

The next day…

Later that morning we woke up, still in disbelieve what had happened, but it did.
Ryan’s cousin was about to pick us up to head to Château de Versailles. Before that day I had no idea what that was. Yes, I didn’t do enough research on Paris before going there. But after the visit I became obsessed with the story of the things that happened in that infamous chateau.

Farid stayed in the apartment, feeling way too depressed over the lost phone, but that was totally understandable. He didn’t want to rain on our parade and insisted that we go to the chateau.

Having arrived in Versailles, we first had to stand in a very long line. It also started raining, but it was luckily all bearable and worth it in the end.

I was complete enthralled by the art in the chateau, the size of the palace and the stories of what had gone on in that place. I am a sucker for old fashioned places and fashion from that era, so I felt totally excited to be in there.

See below a short slideshow I have made with the pictures from the palace and also a few more of the Eiffel Tower which we visited after leaving Versailles.

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